Saturday, Jan 23 &30, 2-4:30PM
LUCKY STRINGS BLUEGRASS BAND in Old Town at 2607 Congress St. shops
Across the street from the big parking lot
Sunday, February 21, 10AM-Noon
Wild Older Women (WOW) at Rebecca’s Coffee, 3015 Juniper St.
Our monthly 3rd Sunday show with ROYAL & Special Guest LUCKY STRINGS
Friday, March 18th, 5:30-7:30 PM
GEMINI JUNCTION at People’s Food Organic Mkt., 4765 Voltaire St.
We’ll be dusting off some of our Irish tunes in honor of the occasion.
Saturday, March 26
GEMINI JUNCTION will play a short set to kick off the annual Harmonica Festival
We’ll showcase our Harp player Richie Strell, who won a contest there last year.
Details will be added as we receive them.
Sunday, April 17 10AM-Noon
WOW at Rebecca’s Coffee, 3015 Juniper St.
Our Special Guests will be ALAN LAND and ENTER BLUE SKY
Friday, April 22, 5:30-7:30 PM
LUCKY STRINGS at People’s Organic Food Co-op, 4765 Voltaire St.